About Redfield Community
Founded in 1978, Redfield is an established intentional community currently consisting of up to 17 adults, as well as their children. We live as a single household so we spend a lot of time together. The rewards that flow from this way of life are many, varied and sometimes unexpected.

We aim to be an effective, decisive and harmonious community living sustainably and managing the land and growing our own organic food. We keep sheep, chickens, bees, and occasionally pigs as part of our 17 acre smallholding. We eat communally most evenings and at the weekends.

Adult members are expected to put in 16 hours to community work and responsibilities per week. This work includes things like day to day tasks such as cooking, shopping and domestic cleaning, administration and finance, gardening, building maintenance and animal management, catering and making beds for visitors and volunteers. Sharing your life in this way, with a group of like-minded people, makes for an active and involved life where something is always happening.
Our legal structure is that of a Fully Mutual Housing Co-operative, where members are effectively both Landlord and Tenant.
Please note we are not a social housing or supported living project.
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